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Working with Web Application > PP.App > Static Methods > PP.App.openMetabase



openMetabase(settings: Object);


settings. Repository connection settings. As the parameter, you can specify the JSON object returned by the PP.App.getMetabaseConfig method.


The openMetabase method opens repository connection.


Executing the example requires a opened login page of Foresight Analytics Platform web application. The scenario specified below must be started in the browser console.

Open repository connection using user name and password:

// Get metabase configuration
var metabaseConfig = PP.App.getMetabaseConfig(false);
// Specify username and password
metabaseConfig['UserCreds'] = {
    UserName: "user",
    Password: "password"
metabaseConfig['Authentication'] = PP.App.AuthenticationMode.Ignore;
// Open repository connection

After executing the example a repository connection is opened. Then determine connection identifier and open application toolbar:

// Check if the repository connection is opened
if (PP.App.isMetabaseOpened()) {
    // Determine repository connection identifier
    console.log("Connection identifier: " + PP.App.getConnectionId());
// Determine application settings
var settings = {
    RenderAddressBar: false
// Initialize application
PP.App.init(undefined, settings);

After executing this scenario the browser console displays repository connection identifier:


The application toolbar also opens.

Now close the repository connection and display a notification concerning the operation execution result in the browser console:

// Determine the function executed after closing the connection 
var callback = function () {
    if (!PP.App.isMetabaseOpened()) {
        console.log("Repository connection is closed.");
    } else {
        console.log("Repository connection is not closed.");
// Determine the function executed if closing repository error occurs 
var errorcallback = function () {
    console.log("Closing connection error");
// Close repository connection
PP.App.closeMetabase(callback, errorcallback);

After executing the example the repository connection is closed, and the browser console displays an appropriate notification:

The repository connection is closed.

See also:
