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Administration and Access Control > Tracking System Security Violations > Access Protocol > Loading Access Protocol

Loading Access Protocol

The current access protocol from the server is contained in the Access Protocol section.

To load access protocol from file, select the Access Protocol > Open from File main menu item. Specify name and path to the file in the standard file opening dialog box.

NOTE. Access protocol loading from file is available only in the desktop application.

After the access protocol is opened from file, the dialog box title will display the path to this file, the status bar will display the number of records in the access protocol.

To return to the current access protocol:

If protocol loading takes too much time, loading can be interrupted.

To make it easier to view information about the selected event, open the Event Information window:

By default, the window is located at the bottom of the security manager window.

Interrupting Access Protocol Loading

Access protocol loading can be interrupted only in the flat view.

Access protocol loading consists of three stages. Each stage is indicated with a message in the status bar:

Clicking the Cancel button interrupts this stage. The status bar will display a download interrupt sign with a message about the number of records that have been loaded, for example: . The message about loading interrupt is also displayed when the access protocol is printed or previewed.

NOTE. Access protocol loading can be aborted only in the desktop application.

See also:

Access Protocol | Setting Up Access Protocol