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Administration and Access Control > Tracking System Security Violations > Access Protocol > Access Protocol Display Type

Access Protocol Display Type

Access protocol is displayed in two types: flat and hierarchical.

To change access protocol view in the Access Protocol section:

NOTE. In the web application use the button on the toolbar to toggle to the flat view and the button to toggle to the hierarchical view.

After executing one of the operations, access protocol view is changed.

Flat View

The flat view displays information about events as a table. All table fields are filled in according to repository objects.

Access protocol opening may take long if the number of records is too large that is why the desktop application has the option of stopping access control protocol loading both on opening access control and applying filter.

The flat view of access protocol:

Hierarchical View

The hierarchical view displays information about events as a tree. A tree node is a repository, which the user addresses. Tree children are this repository objects.

NOTE. The table fields Workstation, OS User, Platform User, IP Address, Comment are filled in only for a tree node.

If the access protocol is displayed in the hierarchical view, loading cannot be interrupted.

The hierarchical view of access protocol:

See also:

Access Protocol | Access Protocol Search | Access Protocol Filtering