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Administration and Access Control > Tracking System Security Violations > Access Protocol > Preview and Print

Preview and Print

To preview and print in the access protocol take into account configured columns layout and table filtering in use.

NOTE. Preview and print are available only in the desktop application.

Page Settings

To set up page settings, select the Access Protocol > Page Settings main menu item.

After executing the operation the Page Settings dialog box opens to set up access protocol preview and print. The parameters that are set up in the Page Settings dialog box are identical to the setting in regular reports.


To preview access protocol for printing, select the Access Protocol > Preview main menu item.

After the operation is executed, the Preview dialog box opens:

The area above the access protocol table displays the information about access protocol generation date, access protocol author, access protocol parameters, the number of loaded records, access protocol loading interruption.

The preview in the Preview dialog box is identical to the preview in regular reports.

Access Protocol Print

To print access protocol:

The standard print dialog box opens after executing one of the operations. Select print options, the printer in used, and click the OK button.

See also:

Access Protocol | Logging Operations to File | Event Information