Dt > About the Dt Assembly
Basic interfaces of data providers:
IDtAccessProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Access data provider.
IDtDbaseProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Dbase data provider.
IDtExcelProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Excel data provider.
IDtMetabaseProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Repository source.
IDtOleDbProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from OleDb data provider.
IDtParadoxProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Paradox data provider.
IDtTextProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from text data provider.
IDtUserProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the User provider data provider.
IDtUserProviderEx. The interface contains properties and methods used to get data with the help of custom algorithm.
IDtVfpProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Visual Foxpro data provider.
IDtWebProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from Web data provider.
IDtXmlProvider. The interface contains properties and methods of the Import from XML data provider.
Main data consumer interfaces:
IDtAccessConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Access data provider.
IDtCubeConsumer. The interface that contains properties and methods of the Repository consumer data consumer that exports data to cube.
IDtDbaseConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Dbase data consumer.
IDtExcelConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Excel data consumer.
IDtMetabaseConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Repository consumer data consumer.
IDtOleDbConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export via OleDb data consumer.
IDtSqlCommandConsumer. The interface that contains properties and methods of the DBMS Command data converter.
IDtTextConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to text data consumer.
IDtUserConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the User consumer data consumer.
IDtUserConsumerEx. The interface contains properties and methods used to load data using custom algorithm.
IDtVfpConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to Visual Foxpro data consumer.
IDtXmlConsumer. The interface contains properties and methods of the Export to XML data consumer.
See also:
Dt Assembly Interfaces | Dt Assembly Enumerations | Dt Assembly Classes