Purpose and Main Features of Resources

The Resources repository object is used to create multilingual systems. When such systems are developed, they must be translated into different languages. Translation can be made by a developer himself, but development process is slowed down.

To speed up development process and improve translation quality it is recommended that a developer and a translator work together. To organize such work, all the elements of the system that require translation should be taken out into a separate container, which can be given to translators. Such a container in Foresight Analytics Platform is the Resources object that stores various text and graphical values for specified languages.

To give the container to a translator and load translation results to a developed system, Resources supports import and export operations. Translation can be made directly in the resource editor or with the assistance of other software.

Operations on the Resources object are executed as follows:

  1. Connection to resources is checked at the form start.

  2. If resources are not connected, the form elements that require translation are displayed in the language used when developing the form.

  3. If resources are connected, it is checked if they have elements for the current repository language.

IMPORTANT. To ensure correct work of resources, set default repository language.

  1. If elements for the current repository language are found in resources, the form is displayed in the current repository language.

  1. If elements for the current repository language are not found, the form is displayed in default language for repository.

See also:

Multilingual Applications | Working with Resources