

The <MADashboardReportViewControllerDelegate> protocol is used to execute delegated operations on dashboard data view controller.

Supported Protocols




dashboardData. Dashboard data in XML format.

dashboardResourcesMimeTypes. Array of MIME types of dashboard resources.

dashboardResourcesPath. Path to dashboard resources.

dimensionsPanel. Dimension panel.

hasSelectionSynchronizationConfig. Checks if there is a dictionary with dashboard settings.

title. Dashboard title.

Properties inherited from <MAReportDelegate>

accessRights. Express report access permissions.

hasScreenshot. Indicates whether there is a saved report screenshot.

reportSettings. Initial report settings.

reportState. Saved report settings.

screenshot. Screenshot data.


addDimensionPanelControlWithKey:dimensionKey:listenerKeys:. Creates an object describing the dashboard control with specified key, the key of linked dimension, and the keys of observer dimensions.

addDimensionPanelControlWithKey:syncIndexKey:. Creates an object describing the dashboard control with specified key and the dashboard dimension synchronization key.

addSlaveBlock:toMasterBlock:. Links specified dashboard blocks.

configurationForDataViewController:. Returns a settings dictionary for specified dashboard data view controller.

configureSelectionWithConfig. Sets up block linking by dashboard settings.

createBubbleDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up a bubble chart data view controller.

createBubbleTreeDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a bubble tree.

createChartDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a chart.

createExpressReportDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as an express report.

createGridDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a table.

createMapDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a map.

createProceduralReportDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a regular report.

createTreeMapDataViewControllerWithMetabaseKey:blockKey:. Creates and sets up data view controller as a tree map.

dataViewControllerChangedSelection:. Informs that data view controller changed data sample.

dataViewWillLeaveFullscreen:. Informs that dashboard data view controller exits the full screen mode.

didDismissedBlock. Informs that dashboard block exits the full screen mode.

didSelectedBlockWithKey:. Informs that dashboard block enters the full screen mode.

metabaseKeyByBlockKey:. Returns the repository data source key, to which the dashboard block with specified key corresponds.

pullSelection. Applies selected dimension element selection.

pushSelection. Loads selected dimension element selection.

refreshPivots. Refreshes pivot objects for building data tables.

setCompositeBlock:forBlockKey:. Saves composite dashboard block.

setState:forDataViewController:. Saves dashboard data view controller state.

stateForDataViewController:. Returns saved dashboard data view controller settings.

Methods Inherited from <MAReportDelegate>

saveFavoriteWithName:. Saves report to favorites.

saveReport. Saves report current state.

See also:

Protocols. The Mobile Application Component