The NuGridController class is used to manage a table.
actionDelegate. The object processes various operations on the table.
canFix. Indicates whether columns and rows can be fixed.
canSelect. Indicates whether table elements can be selected.
canSort. Indicates whether column or row values can be sorted.
dataSource. Determines data source.
delegate. This is an object that helps the user to work with basic functionality of the grid.
dockable. Indicates whether the grid area is docked to the nearest column and row after scrolling.
editor. Returns the current editor.
fullRotationGestureImage. Full rotation gesture image.
halfRotationGestureImage. Half-rotation gesture image.
gridView. Controlled grid.
horizontalSeparateLineColor. Color of the horizontal dividing line.
horizontalSeparateLineSize. Size of the horizontal dividing line.
isTransposed. Indicates whether the grid is transposed.
keepSelectionByIndex. Determines selection behavior on updating a data source.
lastTouchedCell. The last touched cell.
leftRightSelectionTouchAreaSize. Determines size of horizontal touch areas used to resize the grid.
multiselect. Determines grid object selection mode.
resizerBorderColor. Border color of the element used for resize.
resizerColor. Background color of the element used for resize.
resizerHandleImage. Image of markers of the element used for resize.
sendEventBeforeAndAfterDataSourceUpdate. Determines whether the events related to data source refreshing must be generated.
sendEventBeforeAndAfterSelection. Indicates whether the events related to selection of grid elements should be generated.
sendTouchEvent. Indicates whether the events related to touching the grid should be generated.
showRotatingImages. Determines whether to show rotation images.
transposedDataSource. Transposed proxy data source.
transposedDelegate. The object is used to work with basic functionality of a transposed grid.
verticalSeparateLineColor. Color of the vertical dividing line.
verticalSeparateLineSize. Size of the vertical dividing line.
clearSelection. Resets the current element selection.
deselectColumnByCell:. Removes selection from the column containing the specified cell.
deselectColumnByNumber:. Removes selection from the column with the specified number.
deselectRowByCell:. Removes selection from the row containing the specified cell.
deselectRowByNumber:. Removes selection from the cell with the specified number.
isColumnWithNumberSelected:. Indicates whether the specified column is selected.
isRowWithNumberSelected:. Indicates whether the specified row is selected.
selectAll. Selects all cells in the grid.
selectColumnByCell:. Selects the entire column that contains the specified cell.
selectColumnByNumber:. Selects all cells in the column with the specified number.
selectedColumns. Returns currently selected columns.
selectedRows. Returns currently selected rows.
selectRowByCell:. Selects the entire row that contains the specified cell.
selectRowByNumber:. Selects all cells in the row with the specified number.
startEditForCell:. Starts editing of the specified cell.
startEditForCellInRow:column:. Starts editing of the cell located at the intersection of the specified row and column.
stopEdit:. Finishes editing.
afterUpdate. Called after an update.
beforeUpdate. Called before an update.
See also: