In this article:

Data Search

Data Replace

Additional Search Options

Search Results

Find and Replace Data

Data find and replace is executed using the find and replace string. The find and replace string is a panel at the top of the regular report window and is located under the ribbon.

To display the find and replace string

The following find and replace string modes are available:

To toggle between the modes, use the Replace button.

To hide the find and replace string, click the Close button.

Data Search

Data search is available in any mode of the find and replace string.

To find data:

  1. Enter the value, formula or text to be searched in the Find box.

  2. If required, set additional search options.

  3. Navigate between search results:

After executing the operations, data search is executed. If required data is not found, the appropriate message is displayed.

To view all search results and to quickly navigate through them, use the Search Results panel.

Data Replace

Data replace is available only in the find and replace string.

To replace data:

  1. Enter the value, formula or text to be searched in the Find box.

  2. Enter the text, with which the found data should be replaced, in the Replace box.

  3. Execute data search.

  4. Replace the found data:

After executing the operations, data is searched and replaced.

Additional Search Options

To set advanced search options, click the More Options button in the find and replace string. The popup panel opens:

Determine settings:

NOTE. The text displayed in a cell may differ from the text stored in a value cell because of configured cell data format. For example, a cell may contain the 2.5879 value and display the 2.59 text.

Metadata consists of a data source name and names of dimension elements corresponding to this cell.

Search Results

To see all search results, click the Search Results button. The Search Results panel opens:

The panel displays information about all search results:

When the string with the found value is selected, the searched report cell gets focused in the working area.

See also:

Working with Table Data | Working with Ready Report