To set up shape text, use the Text group of parameters on the parameters panel:
Open the Text group of parameters
To open the Object Properties group of parameters on the parameters panel:
Select the shape of the Rectangles/Regular Polygons type on the report sheet.
Click the Parameters button on the toolbar.
Go to the Text group of parameters on the parameters panel that opens.
Set the parameters:
To set up font, determine the following:
Font. Select one of the available font styles in the drop-down list. If required, one can load custom fonts.
Font size. Select the required font size in the drop-down list. The range of available values: [6; 36].
Color. Select font color in the drop-down palette or set it in the RGB or HEX format. If required, specify fill transparency degree.
Font style. Select font style in the drop-down list:
B. Bold font style.
I. Italic font style.
U. Underline text.
S. Strike through text.
When the button is pressed, the corresponding font style is used. One can also use several styles at the same time, for example, clicking the B and I buttons results in the bold italic style.
To reset the specified format settings, click the Delete button.
To set up text position inside shapes, determine the following settings:
Alignment. Set value alignment method:
Horizontal. Available options:
Left. Text is aligned to the shape's left border.
Center. Text is aligned at the same distance from the shape's left and right border taking into account defined paddings.
Right. Text is aligned to the shape's right border.
Vertical. Available options:
Top. Text is aligned to the shape's top border.
Center. Text is aligned at the same distance from the shape's top and bottom border taking into account defined paddings.
Bottom. Text is aligned to the shape's bottom border.
Wrap Text. Set text wrapping in the shape:
Do not Hyphenate. The text is not wrapped. The entire text is displayed as a single line.
By Words. Shape text is wrapped by words. Shape width and paddings determine where line breaks occur.
To reset all specified settings, click the Delete button.
See also: