To work with the tool in Foresight Analytics Platform 10, use the new interface.


The function wizard for the CotH function looks as follows:




Value. Angle in radians whose hyperbolic cotangent should be calculated. Discontinuity point of hyperbolic cotangent is 0o.

NOTE. To determine the parameter, specify either the number or the address of the cell where it is located.


It returns the hyperbolic cotangent of a number.


Formula Result Description
= CotH(A1) 1,000 Hyperbolic cotangent of the value stored in the A1 cell. The A1 cell contains the 6.2832 number.
= CotH(1,5708) 1,0903 The hyperbolic cotangent of the 1.5708 number.

NOTE. If the angle is specified in degrees, use the Radians feature to convert it into radians.

See also:

Function Wizard │ Mathematical FunctionsTanH │ IMath.CotH