Element Names

One can determine one or several dimension attributes, which values will be used as element names in table heading or sidehead.

NOTE. Setting up displaying of element names in the Analytical Queries (OLAP) and Dashboards tools in the web application, and in the Reports, Analytical Queries (OLAP), and Dashboards tools in the desktop application is different. For details see the Element Names section.

To change displaying of element names, select checkboxes next to attributes in the Names item's drop-down menu located in the dimension element's context menu in table heading or sidehead.

The Name attribute is used by default.

Setting Up Custom Names

To set up custom names for dimension elements:

  1. Select the Custom Name checkbox in the Names item's drop-down menu. The Custom Name of Elements dialog box opens:

  1. Set name display template using the Insert Attribute button. The drop-down menu of the Insert Attribute button contains dimension attributes.

After executing the operations the specified custom names of dimension elements are displayed.

To disable custom names, select the Dictionary Attributes checkbox in the Names item's drop-down menu.

Setting Up Attribute Layout

To set up dimension attributes layout in element names:

  1. Select the Dictionary Attributes checkbox in the Names item's drop-down menu.

  2. Select the Set Up Layout item in the Names item's drop-down menu. The Layout Settings dialog box opens:

  1. Select displayed dimension attributes and set their order.

NOTE. Hidden attributes cannot be used.

After executing the operations the selected attributes are displayed in dimension element names in the specified order.

See also:

Data Visualization as Table