You can use the following built-in SQL functions on creating constraints:
SYSDATE. It returns current date and time.
USERENV. It returns the value containing information about the current session.
ABS. It returns absolute value of a number.
MOD. It returns remainder after dividing one value by another value.
ROUND. It rounds off value to selected number of positions.
SIGN. It returns sign of the values specified as a parameter.
TRUNC. It truncates a value to the specified number of decimal places.
CHR. It returns a symbol for the specified symbol number in the ASCII table.
CONCAT3. It returns a string which is the result of concatenation ("adhesion") of three lines.
UPPER. It returns a string where all symbols are typed using the upper case.
LENGTH. It returns the string length in symbols.
SUBSTR. It returns a part of string starting from a symbol that has the "a" number and the "b" length.
INSTR. It returns the position where a substring enters into the string.
LPAD. It returns a string to the left-hand side of which symbols from another string are added to enlarge it to the required length.
RPAD. It returns a string to the right-hand side of which symbols from another string are added to enlarge it to the required length.
LTRIM. It returns a string with deleted left symbols occurring in the specified substring.
RTRIM. It returns a string with deleted right symbols occurring in the specified substring.
REPLACE. It returns the string, in which each search_str occurrence is replaced by replace_str.
ADD_MONTHS. It returns the date increased by the specified number of months.
TO_CHAR. It transforms a date or a value into a string of symbols.
TO_LONGCHAR. It converts input value into a long string (LONGCHAR).
TO_DATE. It transforms a string into a date.
TO_NUMBER. It transforms a string into a numeric value.
DECODE. It is an analog of a sequence of the nested statements IF-THEN-ELSE.
NVL. It returns "expr2", if "expr1" contains the NULL value, otherwise it returns "expr1".
CALL_DATE. It returns a date, which is the result of a procedure registered in the database.
CALL_NUMBER. It returns a number, which is the result of a procedure registered in the database.
CALL_VARCHAR. It returns a string, which is the result of a procedure registered in the database.
See also: