Sorting Dictionary Elements

Sorting enables the user to change dictionary elements order.

Dictionary elements can be:

After ascending or descending sorting is set up, the icon of the Sorting buttons changes for the icons of the selected sorting method, and the sorting method becomes disabled in the button's drop-down menu.

NOTE. If on sorting in ascending order no attribute has been selected, the first attribute in the attributes' list is automatically selected when this option is enabled.

On the first click the column data is sorted in the alphabetic order, that is, ascending order. On the next clicks on the column sorting order is changed.

NOTE. If an attribute should not be displayed in the Sorting submenu, set it as hidden in the dictionary. To do this, select the Hidden checkbox in the Dictionary Attribute Properties dialog box.

To reset sorting settings in the desktop application, select the Sorting > Reset item in the dictionary element's context menu. The dictionary elements are sorted in accordance with the method set up at the dictionary creation. It is available only on opening a dictionary for view.

See also:

Working with Dictionary