Dictionary Attributes

The Attributes page is used to set a list of dictionary attributes and their purpose. The list of attributes determines the set of characteristics that each dictionary element will have.

To create a list of attributes based on the list of source fields, click the Add button. A new string is added to the end of the list of attributes, and the Attribute Properties panel opens to set up the added attribute. Attributes can be added on editing the table.

To edit the attribute, click on it. The Attribute Properties panel opens, where necessary changes can be made.

To change the number of displayed attribute properties, click the Settings button and select or deselect the checkbox next to property names.

To delete one or several attributes, select them and click the Delete button. A confirmation dialog box opens. Attributes can be deleted on editing the dictionary.

Available operations with attributes:

The Attribute Properties dialog box opens.

It is asked to confirm the executed action. The attribute is deleted from the dictionary.

To specify attributes, execute the following:

    1. Create or select two integer attributes.

    2. Click the Access Permissions button. The dialog box opens:

The fields, to which the specified attributes are bound, must contain decimal values corresponding to security mask. According to this mask, specific actions with the dictionary elements (reading or writing) is allowed or prohibited. Each bit of the mask corresponds to the security subject added on the Security Labels tab. The bit number corresponds to the subject number in the list. The bit value determines permission or prohibition for the object to execute actions.

Mask bit value:

Example of creating a mask:

Mask value ... 1 1 1 0 1 1 0

The order of subjects in the list on the Security Labels tab

... 6 5 4 3 2 1 0

Access attribute value


So to the subject that is first in the list (0), the action is prohibited; to the subject that is second in the list (1), the action is allowed, and so on.

See also:

Table Dictionary