Creating Levels

Levels are used to set up data aggregation in the cube that uses MDM dictionary as a dimension.

Aggregation is calculation of data of the upper level based on the data of the lower level. For example, calculated monthly data is summed to get quarterly data.

Suppose that an MDM dictionary has the following elements hierarchy:

Create two levels for these elements:

NOTE. Each created level must correspond to the actual level of the MDM dictionary elements hierarchy.

If this dictionary is used as a cube dimension, aggregation can be set up. For example, values for the states can be summed up to get values for the whole continent.

Creating and setting up levels differs in the web application and in the desktop application.

To create and set up dictionary levels use the Levels page of the dictionary structure setup wizard:

To create and set up dictionary levels use the Levels tab on the Description tab in the MDM dictionary window opened for edit.

Operations with Levels

Add a level

Edit level name

Delete level

Change the number of displayed properties in the web application

In the web application to go to the wizard tabs: Selection Schema, Groups of Elements, Alternative Hierarchies, save dictionary settings by clicking the Save button.

See also:

MDM Dictionary