Replacing Predefined Dialog Box View

The Card tab is used to redefine the predefined view of the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box for a custom one.

NOTE. Replacing the predefined dialog box view is available only in the desktop application.

To determine the predefined view of the dialog box, use the Default Settings tab in the Parameters dialog box.

To open the Parameters dialog box

Depending on the settings, the Dictionary Element Properties dialog box may look as a predefined or as a custom dialog box.

Predefined views:

The standard dialog box is used in the web application:

The standard view of the dialog box is set by default.

Use the Card tab to replace the predefined dialog box with the custom one:

On the tab, in the drop-down list select assembly, unit or form and a function to replace the dialog box in the desktop application; specify the JS-function to replace the dialog box in the web application.

The following must be passed as parameters in the function:

The following must be passed as parameters in the JS-function:

After the predefined dialog box is replaced with the custom one on adding or editing the element, the custom dialog box is displayed in the desktop application; in the web application, attribute values are changed without displaying the dialog box, according to the operations specified in the function.

For details about creating a custom dialog box see the How to Create a Custom View of the Dictionary Element Properties Dialog Box? article.

Example of Custom Dialog Box View

Standard dialog box view:

Custom dialog box view:

See also:

MDM Dictionary