Dictionary Structure

The Structure page is used to create a logical structure of the future tree of elements.


Block is a basic element of the whole dictionary structure. A block is a conditional element that provides all elements from one data source on creating a dictionary. A dictionary may include any number of blocks. All levels are positioned at the same level. Only simple blocks are created in a calculated dictionary. Filling of blocks with elements and building recursive blocks is executed on the program level in the application macro.

Create a block

Delete block


Two types of indexes can be defined in the dictionary structure:

TIP. It is recommended to create a primary index in dictionary indexes and to include the attribute with the Indicator purpose to it, or any other attribute, by which there are unique values assumed. To ensure correct work of the dictionary, it is not recommended in the future to include attributes, by which empty values may be, into indexes.

Create an index

Bind index and attributes

Delete index

See also:

Calculated Dictionary