Editing Operand

Editing enables the user to change dimension selection made on inserting operand and is available to all types of operands, except for operands based on dimension elements.

To edit operand:

  1. Select the Edit item in the operand's context menu and double-click it. The operand is switched into the edit mode. For example:

{-|-|Other income|-[t]}

The operand text will contain elements selected in dimensions and separated with a vertical line. If selection is not set for dimension, it is left blank. If the text of selected element has characters that can be expression operators, they are escaped by means of the \ character. For example:

{-|-|Gross profit \(loss\)|-[t]}

If an operand is based on dimension attribute, dimension name and attribute identifier are separated with a dot, for example:

{-|-|Changing deferred tax liabilities|-.AGGREGATION TYPES.ORD[t]}

  1. Put the cursor to the operand element that should be changed, and press CTRL+SPACE. A list will be displayed. List contents depends on the cursor position:

  2. Select an element in the list.

As a result, the operand is edited.

See also:

Inserting Operands