Opening and Saving Objects from Foresight Analytics Platform Tools

Working with Foresight Analytics Platform tools may require to open various files or save work result as a report.

To open the object, select the Open item in the tool's main menu. One can press CTRL+O instead of this command in the desktop application. A dialog box opens where select the object to open. The selected object opens in the tool if the user has appropriate permissions.

To save the object, select the Save item in the tool's main menu. One can press CTRL+S instead of this command in the desktop application. If the object is to be saved for the first time, a dialog box opens where select location for the object to save. The selected object is saved if the user has appropriate permissions.

To save the object with a new name, select the Save As item in the tool's main menu. A dialog box opens where select location of the object to save. The selected object is saved if the user has appropriate permissions.

See also:

Working with Objects