

Fill(Input: ITimeSeries,
     Method: MsFillMethod,
     NumberOfPoints: Integer,
     SpecifiedValue: Double,
     AdditionalSeries: ITimeSeries,
     FillBound: MsFillBoundType,
     EndsFill: Boolean)


Input. Output variable.

Method. Missing data treatment method.

NumberOfPoints. An additional parameter for the missing data treatment method, which determines the number of points or periods (depending on the method used). Optional parameter. The parameter is set to 1 by default.

SpecifiedValue. Value to treat missing data. The parameter is used for the Specified Value method. Optional parameter. The parameter is set to 0 by default.

AdditionalSeries. The variable, which values are used for missing data treatment. The parameter is used for the Pattern and Overlay methods. Optional parameter. The parameter is set to Null by default.

FillBound. Period of missing data substitution. Optional parameter. By default, the parameter is set to MsFillBoundType.EndForecast - missing data is substituted up to the end of the forecast period.

EndsFill. Missing data substitution at the period end. Optional parameter. By default, missing data substitution at the period end is not executed.


It fills in empty series values using various methods of missing data treatment.


The NumberOfPoints parameter can take only positive values. The parameter is relevant for the following missing data treatment methods:


Formula Result Application
= Fill({Brazil|BCA}, MsFillMethod.Pattern, 0, 0, {China|BCA}, MsFillBoundType.EndIdentify) Pattern interpolation using the pattern specified with the China|BCA time series is used to substitute missing data at the sample period for the Brazil|BCA time series. It can be used in formulas of calculated series of time series database and in formulas of attribute-based models.
= Fill(X1,MsFillMethod.Value)

The random value from interval [minimum value of the X1 series; maximum value of the X1 series] is used to fill empty points of the X1 factor.

It can be used in model formulas of modeling container.

See also:

Functions Available in Expression Editor │ TransformationsIModelling.Fill