Which Search Options Exist in Foresight Analytics Platform Help System?

Foresight Analytics Platform contains different types of help systems:

Information can be searched both in online and local help systems.

To open help system

To execute search

NOTE. In Linux OS, local help search is available only by keywords in the index.

Search Options

Foresight Analytics Platform help system provides flexible management of search results and more effective search. Below are main features of search management by means of simple query syntax. If a query does not return satisfactory results, try to make it more precise by using the further described features.

Search features:

Russian stop-words: а, безо, без, близ, ведь, вместо, вне, вот, во, в, даже, да, для, до, если, зато, за, изо, из, из-за, из-под, или, итак, и, когда, ко, кроме, к, ли, лишь, между, меж, надо, над, на, нет, неужели, не, ни, но, обо, об, ото, оттого, от, о, передо, перед, подо, под, поэтому, по, предо, пред, при, про, ради, разве, сквозь, со, среди, с, также, тоже, только, уже, у, через, чрез, чтобы.

English stop-words: a, an, and, are, as, at, be, but, by, for, if, in, into, is, it, no, not, of, on, or, s, such, t, that, the, their, then, there, these, they, this, to, was, will, with, per.

Search control features:

Search words and phrases

Whole phrase search

Manage separate words and phrases included into the search result

Search by means of composite queries

Search by mask

Manage word spacing

Manage significance of separate words or phrases

See also:

Questions and Answers | Selecting Help System Type