The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.
To set up moving average parameters in the X11 equation, use the Moving Average side panel tab. Moving average is used to calculate values based on the average value for the specified number of previous periods.
All tabs differ depending on the input variable calendar frequency:
Quarterly frequency:
Monthly frequency:
Irrespective of the calendar frequency the tab contains the following radio buttons, determining moving average calculation method:
3x3. It is a variable obtained by applying a moving average twice by three observations to the specified variable. This procedure is equivalent to the weighted moving average by 5 observations.
3x5. This is a method of variable smoothing, when the source series is initially smoothed by 5 neighbor points, and then the method of three-point moving average procedure is applied to the obtained variable. This is equivalent to smoothing by 7 points.
3x9. This is a method of variable smoothing, when the source series is initially smoothed by 9 neighbor points, and then the method of three-point moving average procedure is applied to the obtained variable.
Auto. The calculation method for the moving average is selected automatically.
Select the radio button corresponding to the moving average calculation method for each element of calendar frequency.
TIP. To select calculation method for all elements of calendar frequency, select the corresponding radio button in the All line.
See also: