The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Baxter-King Filter

The Baxter-King filter is a method of smoothing a time series, that is a modification of the Hodrick-Prescott filter filter with wider features for excluding the cyclic component from a time series.

NOTE. In the Baxter-King Filter method, the input variable is also used as an output variable. To create an equation, set the variable binding to itself.

To set up method parameters, use the Equation side panel tab.

To display the tab

Method parameters:

Values of lag, lead and cycle period limits are set in accordance with calendar frequency of the series. Default values:

Frequency Lower value Upper value Lead/lag
Annual 2 8 3
Semi-annual 3 16 6
Quarterly 6 32 12
Monthly 18 96 36
Weekly 78 416 156
5-day 391,5 2088 783
7-day 547,5 2920 1095

See also:

Working with Equations | The The Baxter-King Filter Method | Time Series Analysis: The Baxter-King Filter | IModelling.Bpf