The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Displaying Dimension Selection in Headers and Footers

The report headers and footers can display the selection of the existing dimensions. To add a selection to a header or footer, click the button in the header or footer editing dialog box.

In the dialog box that opens define values for the following parameters:

Working with the list in Select Dimension(s) group:

After clicking the OK button, one tag is added to the header or footer for:

&[Selection Part = "<selected part Rows|Columns|Fixed| >" Format = "<Selected/Specified format>"]

If the Part attribute is not specified, selection for fixed dimensions is displayed.

&[<Dictionary identifier>.Selection Format = "<Selected/Specified format>"]

NOTE. The Format and Part attributes are optional. If the Format attribute is not specified, only a selection value (Value) is displayed.

After the tag has been created, it can only be edited and deleted manually. Opening this dialog box for the second time does not enable editing of a tag.

If no output format has been selected before clicking the OK button, the user is prompted to set the default selection output format.

See also:

Headers and Footers