Event Handling

The Event Handling page in the ETL task editing wizard is used to specify a development environment object and a class that contains implementation of event handlers for ETL task.

Set the following options:

NOTE. The class handler is initialized each time ETL task is executed.

Example of Event Handler

The unit containing the designer and templates of ETL task events:

Class EventsClass: EtlTaskExecutionEvents
    Constructor Create;
    End Constructor Create;
    Public Sub OnStartTask(Task: IEtlTask);
    End Sub OnStartTask;
    Public Sub OnEndTask(Task: IEtlTask; Duration, TotalRec, ErrorRec: Integer);
    End Sub OnEndTask;
    Public Sub OnStartBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject);
    End Sub OnStartBlock;
    Public Sub OnEndBlock(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Duration: Integer; TotalRecIn, TotalRecOut, ErrorRec: IDictionary);
    End Sub OnEndBlock;
    Public Sub OnProgress(Task: IEtlTask; Progress: Integer);
    End Sub OnProgress;

    Public Sub OnError(Task: IEtlTask; Object: IEtlObject; Excep: IException);
    End Sub OnError;
End Class EventsClass;

See also:

ETL Task Settings