The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Baxter-King Filter

The Baxter-King Filter method is applied to series values. It is included in the Smoothing group.

Baxter-King filter is a method for smoothing a time series, that is, a modification of the Hodrick-Prescott filter, but it has wider options for removing cyclic component from a time series.

To apply the method

After the method is applied, in the workbook, based on each selected series a calculated series with a name of the Baxter-King Filter (<Series_Name>) type is created, containing the calculation results. For example:

Setting Up Calculation Parameters. The Parameters Tab

To set up calculation parameters, use the Parameters side panel tab.

To display the tab

Method parameters:

Frequency Lead/Lag Lower value Upper value
Annual 3 2 8
Semi-annual 6 3 16
Quarterly 12 6 32
Monthly 36 18 96
Weekly 156 78 416
Daily (five days a week) 783 391,5 2088
Daily (seven days a week) 1095 547,5 2920

See also:

Working with Calculated Series | Baxter-King Filter | Modeling ContainerBaxter-King Filter | IModelling.Bpf