Getting and Working with Object Data

After creating and setting up objects, fill them with data or get their current data. To get object data, it should be opened, use the IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.Open or IMetabaseObjectDescriptor.OpenWithParam method for it. The methods returns the IMetabaseObjectInstance interface that is common for all opened objects.

When opening various objects, the data term can refer to various entities:

The interfaces that are developed for work with data of various repository objects are described in various assemblies, for example:

For details see the list of available assemblies and their contents.

See the examples of table, dictionary and cube data viewing:

Sub TableData;
    Mb: IMetabase;
    MObjInst: IMetabaseObjectInstance;
    TableInst: IDatasetInstance;
    Fields: IDatasetInstanceFields;
    Field1, Field2, Field3: IDatasetInstanceField;
    Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Open table
    MObjInst := Mb.ItemById("TABLE").Open(Null);
// Cast to the interface that is used to work with table data
    TableInst := MObjInst As IDatasetInstance;
// Get fields
    Fields := TableInst.Fields;
    Field1 := Fields.FindById(
    Field2 := Fields.FindById(
    Field3 := Fields.FindById(
// Go through all records and view fields values
    While Not TableInst.Eof Do
"Identifier: " + Field1.Value);
". Name: " + Field2.Value);
". Value: " + Field3.Value);
End While;
End Sub TableData;

Sub DictionaryData;
    Mb: IMetabase;
    MObjInst: IMetabaseObjectInstance;
    DictInst: IDimInstance;
    Elements: IDimElements;
    Attribute: IDimAttributeInstance;
    i: Integer;
    Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Open dictionary
    MObjInst := Mb.ItemById("DICTIONARY").Open(Null);
// Cast to the interface that is used to work with dictionary data
    DictInst := MObjInst As IDimInstance;
// Get list of elements
    Elements := DictInst.Elements;
// Get the VALUE attribute
    Attribute := DictInst.Attributes.FindById("VALUE");
// View attribute values for each dictionary element
    For i := 0 To Elements.Count - 1 Do
"Identifier: " + Elements.Id(i));
". Name: " + Elements.Name(i));
". Value: " + Elements.AttributeValueO(i, Attribute));
End For;
End Sub DictionaryData;

Sub CubeData;
    Mb: IMetabase;
    MObjInst: IMetabaseObjectInstance;
    CubeInst: ICubeInstance;
    Destination: ICubeInstanceDestination;
    SelSet: IDimSelectionSet;
    Matr: IMatrix;
    Iter: IMatrixIterator;
    Mb := MetabaseClass.Active;
// Open dictionary
    MObjInst := Mb.ItemById("STANDART_CUBE").Open(Null);
// Cast to the interface that is used to work with cube data
    CubeInst := MObjInst As ICubeInstance;
    Destination := CubeInst.Destinations.DefaultDestination;
// Create and generate selection by which matrix of values will be calculated
    SelSet := Destination.CreateDimSelectionSet;
// Calculate matrix of values
    Matr := Destination.Execute(SelSet);
// Iterator to go through obtained values
    Iter := Matr.CreateIterator;
While Iter.Valid Do
        Debug.Write(Iter.Value + 
" ");
End While;
End Sub CubeData;

See also:

Developing User Application