After the task has been created, the following operations are available:
View task status. Task status is displayed in the container working area in the Status column. To get relevant data, refresh task status. The following statuses are available:
Ready. The task is ready to be executed.
Executing. The task is being executed at the moment.
Completed. The task has already been completed. The Result column shows information on task completion:
Completed with Errors. The task is executed, but some errors occurred at the runtime.
Successfully Completed. The task is successfully completed.
Inactive. Task calculation is disabled in schedule settings.
View results of task execution. The status of sending a notification by email can be seen in the container working area in the Notification column. To get relevant data, refresh task status. The following statuses are available:
Not Sent. After executing the task a message is not sent.
NOTE. Sending notifications by email is available only for tasks executed by schedule. When tasks are started manually, messages are not sent.
Sent. After executing the task electronic message is sent
Unknown Status. The status is available only if notification sending is not set up.
Click the button on the toolbar.
Select the View > Refresh main menu item.
Press F5.
After executing any operation, the task status is refreshed.
NOTE. Task status refresh is available only in the desktop application. In the web application task status is refreshed automatically.
Restart task. Sometimes a created task needs to be restarted. For example, if a task was executed once, but some errors occurred at the runtime. One or several selected tasks can be restarted.
NOTE. Repeated task start is available only in the desktop application.
To restart selected tasks, follow the steps:
Reset task execution results. To do this:
Select the Task > Reset Execution Results main menu item.
Select the Reset Calculation Results item in the task's context menu.
After executing any of the actions a confirmation dialog box opens.
Select the Run item in the task's context menu. The selected task will be started for execution.
NOTE. The item is not available if the status of the task is Running.
Run tasks manually. To start tasks in a scheduled tasks container:
In the web application click the Run button next to the task.
In the desktop application select the Run item in the task's context menu.
Save task results. To save task results, select the Save Result As item in the task's context menu.
NOTE. The item is available for the Regular Report Calculation executed task only in the desktop application.
After selecting this item the standard file saving dialog box opens. By default, it is prompted to save results in *.xls format. The item saves results for all selected tasks.
See also: