In this article:
To create a task:
In the web application click the Create button in the main menu of the scheduled tasks container and select the task:
Regular report calculation.
Cube calculation.
Unit execution.
ETL task execution.
Modeling problem calculation.
In the desktop application:
Select the Task > Create item in the scheduled tasks container's main menu and select the task.
Select the Create Task item in the context menu of task container's working area and select the task.
Click the button corresponding to the task object on the toolbar.
Available tasks:
Cube calculation.
Regular report calculation.
Unit execution.
ETL task execution.
Modeling problem calculation.
Multidimensional calculation on database server.
Cache update.
Search index update.
After executing one of the operations the task setup wizard opens.
The wizard contains the following pages/tabs:
General/Task. It is used to set up general task parameters.
Schedule. It is used to set up task execution frequency.
Conditions. It is used to set up task execution conditions.
Parameters. It is used to set up a task object and values of its parameters.
Result. It is used to set up handling options of task execution result.
Events and Export. It is used to set up event call and options for export of regular report to file.
NOTE. It is available only in the web application.
To view properties of the selected task:
Click the Show Properties button in the main menu of the scheduled tasks container.
Click the task.
After executing one of the operations the Properties side panel opens:
To edit the task, open the task setup wizard:
In the web application:
Click the Edit button next to the task.
Double-click the task.
In the desktop application:
Select the Task > Edit main menu item.
Select the Edit item in the task's context menu.
Click the button on the toolbar.
Press F4.
Double-click the task.
After executing one of the operations the task setup wizard opens. Make changes and save the task.
To delete the selected task:
In the web application click the Delete button next to the task.
In the desktop application:
Select the Task > Delete Selected Task main menu item.
Select the Delete item in the task's context menu.
Click the Delete button on the toolbar.
After executing one of the operations a confirmation dialog opens. If the answer is positive, the selected task is deleted.
A special task type is provided for each object. A task object is determined during task parameters setup on the Parameters page/tab.
NOTE. Actions are available only in the desktop application for the following tasks: calculated cube calculation, regular report calculation, unit execution, ETL task execution, modeling problem execution, multidimensional calculation on database server.
The following operations with task objects can be executed in the scheduled tasks container:
Open Task Object. To open task object, select the Task Object > Open item in the task context menu. Selecting the item opens the task object in the view mode.
Edit Task Object. To edit object of the selected task, select the Task Object > Edit item in the task context menu. Selecting the item opens task object in the edit mode.
Object Access Permissions. To view and edit access permissions of the selected task object, select the Task Object > Access Permissions item in the task context menu. After the executing the command, the Access Control Settings dialog box opens. This dialog box may contain different number of tabs depending on the security policy settings.
Object Properties. To view and edit properties of the selected task object, select the Task Object > Properties item in the task context menu. The standard dialog box opens after the command is executed. It contains object properties.
See also: