In this article:

Viewing Task Properties

Editing a Task

Deleting a Task

Operations with Task Objects

Creating a Task

To create a task:

Available tasks:

After executing one of the operations the task setup wizard opens.

The wizard contains the following pages/tabs:

Viewing Task Properties

NOTE. It is available only in the web application.

To view properties of the selected task:

After executing one of the operations the Properties side panel opens:

Editing a Task

To edit the task, open the task setup wizard:

After executing one of the operations the task setup wizard opens. Make changes and save the task.

Deleting a Task

To delete the selected task:

After executing one of the operations a confirmation dialog opens. If the answer is positive, the selected task is deleted.

Operations with Task Objects

A special task type is provided for each object. A task object is determined during task parameters setup on the Parameters page/tab.

NOTE. Actions are available only in the desktop application for the following tasks: calculated cube calculation расчёт, regular report calculation, unit execution, ETL task execution, modeling problem execution, multidimensional calculation on database server.

The following operations with task objects can be executed in the scheduled tasks container:

See also:

Creating Scheduled Tasks