The tool supports interface of Foresight Analytics Platform 9 or earlier.

Setting Up Data Source Parameter Synchronization

Parameters synchronization enables the user to control parameter values of data sources in a number of dashboard blocks at a time. Synchronization can be set up for all blocks that use parametric data sources. Synchronization is made by links between parameters.

TIP. To determine whether a visualizer data source is parametric, use the Data Source Parameters tab on the side panel. To get information about data source parameters in reports, use object navigator.

Use the Document Parameters Synchronization tab of the side panel to set up synchronization between all parameters used in a dashboard.

To control parameter values, use the Data Source Parameters tab on the side panel and the Parameter control.

To display the tab

The tab contains a list of parameters links and unlinked dashboard parameters.

The link name is formed by the scheme: Link <link_number> (<parameter_name>). For each link there is a list of blocks using this link. A number of links can be mapped with one dimension.

The name of unlinked parameters is formed by the scheme: <Block_name> [<Parameter_name>].

To create a new link

To delete a link

To exclude a block from the link

To add the unsynchronized parameter to the current link

To highlight the block using link or parameter

See also:

Building Dashboard