Tool interfaces in the web application and in the desktop application are identical, and differences in functionality are given in appropriate comments.
The block is built on dashboard from repository.
NOTE. Creating the Dashboard block type is available only in the desktop application.
To insert a report, use:
Select the Dashboard item in the drop-down menu of the Reports button on the Home ribbon tab.
The Dashboard button in the Reports group on the Insert ribbon tab.
The Dashboard item in the drop-down menu of the New Block item in dashboard's context menu.
Then set a data source. Any repository dashboard can be used as a data source, except for the current dashboard, that is, a dashboard cannot be inserted into itself.
Example of the Dashboard block:
All operations with objects described in the Building Dashboard and Inserting and Setting Up Reports sections are available for the Dashboard report. The following is also available for reports:
Set up report dimension synchronization
See also: