
Assembly: Stat;


The ICallbackNLOptimization interface is used to work with the custom class used to calculate values of variables, criterion function and non-linear constraints.

Inheritance Hierarchy



To work with optimization parameters of random type function at non-linear constraints, use properties of the ISmNonLinearOptimization interface.

To work with optimization parameters of random type function, use properties of the ISmBoxConstrainedOptimization interface.


  Property name Brief description

The Options property determines parameters of set custom class.


  Method name Brief description
GetConstraintPartialDeriv The GetConstraintPartialDeriv method calculates and returns value of the partial derivative by j-th variable from i-th constraint to optimization method.
GetConstraintValue The GetConstraintValue method calculates and returns value of i-th non-linear constraint.
GetObjFunPartialDeriv The GetObjFunPartialDeriv method calculates and returns value of the partial derivative of criterion function by j-th variable to optimization method.
GetObjFunValue The GetObjFunValue method calculates and returns criterion function value.
SetArgValues The SetArgValues method returns value of the variables, for which it is required to calculate criterion function value and non-linear constraints.

See also:

Stat Assembly Interfaces