

GetConstraintPartialDeriv(IndxCnstr: Integer; IndxVrb: Integer): Variant;


IndxCnstr. Constraint index.

IndxVrb. Variable index.


The GetConstraintPartialDeriv method calculates and returns value of the partial derivative for j-th variable from i-th constraint to optimization method.


To get criterion function value, use the ICallbackNLOptimization.GetObjFunValue method.

Example for the CallBackNLO Class

The example describes the custom class used to calculate values of variables, criterion function and non-linear constraints. The use of this class for handling events is given in the example for ISmNonLinearOptimization.Callback.

To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.

Public Class CallBackNLO : Object, ICallbackNLOptimization
            U: array[10Of double;
            res: double;
    Public  CallCount: integer;
    Public  log: boolean;
            options: array[16Of Double;
    Public  MAXCOUNT: integer;
            i: integer;

    Public Constructor Create;
    End Constructor Create;

    Public Sub SetArgValues(indx: Integer; Value: Double);
        U[indx] := Value;
    End Sub SetArgValues;

    Public Function GetObjFunValue: Variant;
        res := U[0]*U[3]*(U[0]+U[1]+U[2])+U[2];
        CallCount := CallCount + 1;
        If MAXCOUNT < CAllCount Then
            Options[0] := 1;
        End If;
        Return res;
    End Function GetObjFunValue;

    Public Function GetObjFunPartialDeriv(indx: Integer) : Variant;
        Return 1;
    End Function GetObjFunPartialDeriv;

    Public Function GetConstraintValue(indx: Integer) : Variant;
        Select Case indx
            Case 0: res := U[0]*U[0] + U[1]*U[1] + U[2]*U[2] + U[3]*U[3];
            Case 1: res := U[0]*U[1]*U[2]*U[3];
        End Select;
        Return res;
    End Function GetConstraintValue;

    Public Function GetConstraintPartialDeriv(indxCnstr: Integer; indxVrb: Integer) : Variant;
        Return res;
    End Function GetConstraintPartialDeriv;

    Public Sub set_Options(Val: Array Of Double);
        val := Options;
    End Sub set_Options;

    Public Function get_Options: Array Of Double;
        Return Options;
    End Function get_Options;
End Class CallBackNLO;

Example for the CallBackBCO Class

The example describes the custom class used to calculate values of variables, criterion function and non-linear constraints. The use of this class for handling events is given in the example for ISmBoxConstrainedOptimization.Callback.

To execute the example, add a link to the Stat system assembly.

Public Class CallBackBCO : Object, ICallbackNLOptimization
            U: Array[3Of Double;
            res: Double;
    Public  CallCount: Integer;
    Public  log: Boolean;
            options: Array[16Of Double;
    Public  MAXCOUNT: Integer;
            i: Integer;

    Public Sub SetArgValues(indx: Integer; Value: Double);
        U[indx] := Value;
    End Sub SetArgValues;

    Public Function GetObjFunValue: Variant;
        res := U[0]-4*U[1]+2*U[2];
        CallCount := CallCount + 1;
        If MAXCOUNT < CAllCount Then
            options[0] := 1;
        End If;
        Return res;
    End Function GetObjFunValue;

    Public Function GetObjFunPartialDeriv(indx: Integer) : Variant;
        Return 0;
    End Function GetObjFunPartialDeriv;

    Public Function GetConstraintValue(indx: Integer) : Variant;
        Return 0;
    End Function GetConstraintValue;

    Public Function GetConstraintPartialDeriv(indxCnstr: Integer; indxVrb: Integer) : Variant;
        Return 0;
    End Function GetConstraintPartialDeriv;

    Public Sub set_Options(Val: Array Of Double);
        val := Options;
    End Sub set_Options;

    Public Function get_Options: Array Of Double;
        Return Options;
    End Function get_Options;
End Class CallBackBCO;

See also:
