The following enumerations are included into the Stat assembly:
Enumeration | Brief description | |
ADFEquationType | The ADFEquationType enumeration is used to determine the autoregression model used in the Dickey-Fuller test. | |
ADFTestedSeriesType | The ADFTestedSeriesType enumeration is used to determine the tested series. | |
AdjustmentOptionsX12Type | The AdjustmentOptionsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the method of accounting of adjustments for holiday and working days. | |
AlignmentType | The AlignmentType enumeration is used to determine the type of matrix centering. | |
AnalysisType | The AnalysisType enumeration contains types of source data analysis. | |
ArimaOrderSearchType | The ArimaOrderSearchType property is used to determine methods of the ARIMA model specification. | |
ARMAEstimationApproach | The ARMAEstimationApproach enumeration is used to select estimation method for autoregression and moving average coefficients. | |
ARMAEstimationMethodType | The ARMAEstimationMethodType enumeration is used to determine optimization method. | |
ARMAInitType | The ARMAInitType enumeration contains methods used specify initial approximations. | |
BinaryDistrType | The BinaryDistrType enumeration contains binary regression models. | |
BinaryOptimizationMethod | The BinaryOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method in the binary regression. | |
BinningMethod | The Stat Assembly Enumerations enumeration is used to determine calculation method of the Binning procedure. | |
CalcCovarianceType | The CalcCovarianceType enumeration contains methods for calculating standard deviation. | |
CalcInitExpressionType | The CalcInitExpressionType enumeration contains available modes of calculating initial values of output variables. | |
Census2HolidayAdjType | The Census2HolidayAdjType enumeration contains types of holiday adjustments. | |
ChowTestType | The ChowTestType enumeration contains types of test. | |
ClusterCentersType | The ClusterCentersType enumeration contains variants of selecting initial cluster centers. | |
ClusterCountSelectionType | The ClusterCountSelectionType enumeration is used to determine the method of cluster count selection. | |
ClusterLinkType | The ClusterLinkType enumeration contains methods of calculating distance between clusters. | |
CREstimationMethodType | The CREstimationMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of approximate estimation. | |
CriterionType | The CriterionType enumeration contains search criteria. | |
CrossValidationSamplingType | The CrossValidationSamplingType enumeration is used to determine cross-validation method. | |
CTModelType | The CTModelType enumeration is used to determine the type of regression model. | |
EasterEffectType | The EasterEffectType enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for Easter. | |
DataTransformationX12Type | The DataTransformationX12Type enumeration is used to determine the type of source series transformation. | |
DecisionTreePropertyType | The DecisionTreePropertyType enumeration is used to determine type of classifying variable. | |
DendrogramOrientationType | The DendogramOrientationType enumeration contains types of dendrogram orientation. | |
DependenceCriterion | The DependenceCriterion enumeration contains criteria types used to select the best dependence form. | |
DependenceType | The DependenceType enumeration contains types of dependences for universal trend. | |
DmMethodKind | The DmMethodKind enumeration is used to determine data mining method. | |
ECMType | The ECMType enumeration is used to determine the type of error correction model. | |
EquationType | The EquationType enumeration is used to determine the type of model. | |
ErrorDistributionType | The ErrorDistributionType enumeration is used to determine the type of error distribution. | |
F0SpectrumEstimationType | The F0SpectrumEstimationType enumeration is used to determine the method of calculation of adjusted variance. | |
GARCHOptimizationMethod | The GARCHOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method. | |
GARCHSpecType | The GARCHSpecType enumeration is used to determine type of GARCH model. | |
GLSWeightsType | The GLSWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the type of weights for regression on panel data. | |
HCStoppingCriterionType | The HCStoppingCriterionType enumeration is used to determine the criterion of stopping in the hierarchical cluster analysis. | |
HEDistanceType | The HEDistanceType enumeration is used to determine the method of Mahalanobis distance calculation. | |
HPSmoothingParameterModeType | The HPSmoothingParameterModeType enumeration contains methods of defining smoothing parameter for the Hodrick-Prescott filter. | |
InformationCriterionType | The InformationCriterionType enumeration is used to determine the type of information criterion. | |
InitCorrectionType | The InitCorrectionType enumeration contains precorrection types. | |
InterceptMode | The InterceptMode enumeration contains modes of specifying a constant. | |
KMeansModification | The KMeansModification enumeration is used to determine the method of clustering. | |
KModesDistanceType | The KModesDistanceType enumeration is used to determine the method of calculating distance between points on clustering by the k-modes method. | |
KStestDistributionType | The KStestDistributionType enumeration contains laws of distribution for an observed random value. | |
KStestHypothesisType | TheKStestHypothesisType enumeration contains variants of test statistics. | |
LagLeadMethodType | The LagLeadMethodType enumeration is used to determine the type of estimation of cointegration regression by the DOLS method. | |
LagWindowType | The LagWindowType enumeration contains types of lag windows. | |
LindoDouInfoType | The LindoDouInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of real information about the LINDO calculation method. | |
LindoIntInfoType | The LindoIntInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of integer information about the LINDO calculation method. | |
LindoProblemResultType | The LindoProblemResultType enumeration is used to determine the solution type, which should be obtained by the LINDO module. | |
LindoProblemResultWhichType | The LindoProblemResultWhichType enumeration is used to determine type of the problem, which solution should be extracted by the LINDO module. | |
LindoProblemType | The LindoProblemType enumeration is used to determine type of solved problem in the LINDO module. | |
LindoSolverType | The LindoSolverType enumeration is used to determine the solution method used by the LINDO module. | |
LindoStrInfoType | The LindoStrInfoType enumeration is used to determine type of string information about the LINDO calculation method. | |
LinearEqSolutionType | The LinearEqSolutionType enumeration contains the method for calculating the next approximation when solving a linearized equation system. | |
LPMethodType | The LPMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of solving the task of linear proramming for lpsolve 5.5 external library. | |
LRCBandwidthMethodType | The LRCBandwidthMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of bandwidth in long-run covariance. | |
LRCKernelType | The LRCKernelType enumeration is used to determine kernel specification in long-run covariance. | |
LRCLagSpecificationType | The LRCLagSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine kernel specification in the long-run covariance. | |
LRCWindowType | The LRCWindowType enumeration is used to determine the type of window in the long-run covariance. | |
LRLSType | The LRLSType enumeration is used to determine the type of the least squares method. | |
LRWeightsType | The LRWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the type of weights for linear regression. | |
MissingDataMethod | The MissingDataMethod enumeration contains methods of missing data treatment. | |
NLOSolverType | The NLOSolverType enumeration is used to determine the software used for solving of non-linear optimization problem. | |
NLSOptimizationMethod | The NLSOptimizationMethod enumeration is used to determine optimization method in the nonlinear least squares method. | |
NonLinearEquationsType | The NonLinearEquationsType enumeration contains methods of calculating nonlinear equation systems. | |
ObjectDistanceType | The ObjectDistanceType enumeration contains methods of calculating distance between objects. | |
OutlierSpecificationType | The OutlierSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine the type of outliers. | |
OutliersType | The OutliersType enumeration is used to determine the mode of outliers detection. | |
PCAScoreType | The PCAScoreType enumeration contains types of constraints imposed on principal components. | |
PDLConstraintType | The Stat Assembly Enumerations enumeration contains methods of item cutting for a lag variable. | |
PooledModelCrossSectionType | The PooledModelCrossSectionType enumeration contains types of models for panel data regression. | |
PooledModelRandomEffectsMethodType | The PooledModelRandomEffectsMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method for estimation of random effects in panel data regression. | |
QPSolverType | The QPSolverType enumeration contains types of solvers that can be used in quadratic programming task. | |
RegressionEffectType | The RegressionEffectType enumeration is used to determine the type of regressor. | |
SAPaddingType | The SAPaddingType enumeration is used to determine the method for padding or truncating a series. | |
SearchType | The SearchType enumeration contains types of parameter autosearch. | |
SeasonalFilterType | The SeasonalFilterType enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonal filters. | |
SeasonalityCycleType | The SeasonalityCycleType enumeration contains types of additional seasonality used to specify seasonality period. | |
SeasonalityType | The SeasonalityType enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonality. | |
SeasonalityTypeX12 | The SeasonalityTypeX12 enumeration is used to determine the type of seasonality. | |
SimultaneousSystemMode | The SimultaneousSystemMode enumeration is used to determine the method of estimation of linear systems of simultaneous equations. | |
SLEMethodType | The SLEMethodType enumeration is used to determine the method of solving linear equation system. | |
StabilityAnalysisofSeasonalsX12Type | The StabilityAnalysisofSeasonalsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the method of stability analysis. | |
StandartizationType | The StandartizationType enumeration contains methods of attributes standardization. | |
SynapsysWeightsType | The SynapsysWeightsType enumeration is used to determine the method of synapse weights setting for self-organizing Kohonen maps. | |
TradingDayEffectsX12Type | The TradingDayEffectsX12Type enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for working days. | |
TradingDayEffectsType | The TradingDayEffectsType enumeration is used to determine the type of adjustments for working days. | |
TraidingDaysAdj | The TraidingDaysAdj enumeration contains the type of adjustments for working days. | |
TransformationLogLevelType | The TransformationLogLevelType enumeration is used to determine the type of source series transformation. | |
TrendSpecificationType | The TrendSpecificationType enumeration is used to determine specifications of trend in main and secondary regressions | |
TrendType | The TrendType enumeration contains trend types. | |
VarianceAnalysisType | The VarianceAnalysisType enumeration contains types of variance analysis. | |
WeightsScalingType | The WeightsScalingType enumeration is used to determine weight scaling method. |
See also: