

The MissingDataMethod enumeration contains methods of missing data treatment.

It is used by the following properties and methods:

Available Values

  Value Brief description
0 SampleAverage. Average. Missing data of series are calculated as average.
1 NPointsAverage. N-point average. Missing data of series are calculated as N-point average.
2 PrevValue. Previous value. Missing data of series are replaced with the previous non-empty value.
3 LinInterpolation. Linear interpolation by neighbor points.
4 LinTrend. Linear trend.
5 AnyValue. Random value. Missing data of series are replaced with a random number within the range [minimum series value; maximum series value].
6 Casewise. Calculations ignore missing data of series.
7 Geometric. Geometric interpolation.
8 SpecifiedValue. Value.
9 Spline. Cubic spline interpolation.
10 Pattern. Pattern. To calculate missing data of series, use interpolation by pattern specified by another series.
11 Overlay. Overlay.
12 GrowthRate. Growth rate.
13 PreviousGrowthRate. Growth rate to the previous period.
14 SucceedingValue. The succeeding value.
15 SucceedingGrowthRate. Growth rate to the succeeding period.
16 None. Missing data is not treated.


NPointsAverage. In IMissingData.MethodParameter define N: that is, the number of neighbor points.

Geometric. If the values next to the missing points have different signs or at least one of the values is zero the missing data is not substituted.

Casewise. This is a multifactor method, that is, all factors are checked for missing data. Remember that missing data are also eliminated from the explained series.

SpecifiedValue. In IMissingData.SpecifiedValue define the value with which the missing data is filled.

Pattern. In IMissingData.SpecifiedVector define the pattern series.

Overlay. In IMissingData.SpecifiedVector define the series from which the values are obtained.

PreviousGrowthRate. SucceedingGrowthRate. The number of periods depends on value of the IMissingData.MethodParameter property.

After applying the methods Pattern, Overlay, SucceedingValue, PreviousGrowthRate, or SucceedingGrowthRate, the treated series may contain missing data.

See also:

Stat Assembly Enumerations