

The SmNonLinearEquations class implements algorithm of non-linear equation system.

Properties inherited from ISmNonLinearEquations

  Property name Brief description

The CalcInitExpressionMode property determines the mode of defining initial values of the target variables.

The CoefficientsOrder property determines the coefficients order.

The DerivativeShift property determines the increment of an argument (%) for calculating partial derivatives required for the Newton method.

The Functions property determines a list of non-linear equations.

The FunctionValues property returns the function values for the found solution.

The InitApproximation property determines initial approximations.

The InitApproximationActual property returns actually used initial approximations.

The JacobianCalcFrequency property determines how often the Jacobian is calculated when a non-linear equation system is solved using the Newton method.

The LinearEqSolutionMethod property determines the method for calculating the next approximation to solve a linearized equation system.

The MakeNewtonMethodQuicker property determines whether optimization is used for the Newton method.

The MaxIteration property determines the maximum number of iterations, within which the solution is found.

The MethodType property determines the method for solving a system of non-linear equations.

The Solution property returns the system solution.

The Tolerance property determines the accuracy of solution.

The UseDerivatives property determines whether analytical derivatives are used in solution search.

Properties inherited from IStatMethod

  Property name Brief description
DisplayName The DisplayName property returns the displayed method name.
ErrorByStatus The ErrorByStatus property returns an error message by the error number.
Errors The Errors property returns a message with all the errors and warnings.
Name The Name property returns the internal method name.
PerformanceTime The PerformanceTime property returns method execution time.
Status The Status property returns the method execution status.
SupportsR The SupportsR property returns whether statistical method can be calculated via R package.
UseR The UseR property determines whether statistical method is calculated via the R package.
WarningByStatus The WarningByStatus property returns a warning text by its number.
Warnings The Warnings property returns the warnings that occurred on method calculation.
WarningsCount The WarningsCount property returns the number of warnings that occurred on method calculation.
WarningsNumbers The WarningsNumbers property returns numbers of the warnings that occurred on method calculation.

Methods inherited from ISmNonLinearEquations

  Method name Brief description
InitExpression The InitExpression method checks if entered variables and equations without executing statistical method are correct.

Methods inherited from IStatMethod

  Method Name Brief description
Clone The Clone method clones a statistical method object.
Execute The Execute method executes a statistical method.
LoadFromXML The LoadFromXML method loads statistical method settings from XML code.
SaveToXML The SaveToXML method unloads statistical method settings to XML code.

See also:

Stat Assembly Classes | Methods of Solving a System of Non-Linear Equations