

The SpeedometerBackgroundType enumeration contains types of speedometer background.

It is used by the following property:

Available values

Value Brief description Example
0 None. No speedometer background.  
1 Color. Solid color is used as a background.
  • The value of the Color property determines a fill color.
2 Gradient. Gradient fill is used as a background.
  • The value of the Color property determines the main color.
  • The value of the GradientColor property determines the second fill.
  • The value of the GradientAngle property determines a gradient angle.
3 Picture. Picture is used as a background.
  • The value of the Image property determines a picture.
  • The value of the ImageDrawStyle property determines the variant of picture position in the speedometer area.
4 Hatch. Hatching is used as a background.
  • The value of the HatchStyle property determines a hatching type.

See also:

Speedometer Assembly Enumerations