Speedometer Assembly Enumerationss

  Enumeration Brief description
PPLabelPlacementStyle The PPLabelPlacementStyle enumeration contains variants of marker label position.
PPSpeedometerArrowType The PPSpeedometerArrowType enumeration contains variants of speedometer arrow.
PPSpeedometerHorizontalAlignment The PPSpeedometerHorizontalAlignment enumeration contains variants of horizontal alignment.
PPSpeedometerMarkerType The PPSpeedometerMarkerType enumeration contains variants of speedometer shapes.
PPSpeedometerStyle The PPSpeedometerStyle enumeration contains basic visual styles of speedometer.
PPSpeedometerVerticalAlignment The PPSpeedometerVerticalAlignment enumeration contains variants of vertical alignment.
SpeedometerArrowCircleOrder The SpeedometerArrowCircleOrder enumeration contains variants of arrow and circle positioning order.
SpeedometerArrowShapes The SpeedometerArrowShapes enumeration contains types of speedometer arrow.
SpeedometerBackgroundType The SpeedometerBackgroundType enumeration contains types of speedometer background.
SpeedometerBarSegmentShape The SpeedometerBarSegmentShape enumeration contains forms of color bar segment.
SpeedometerImageDrawStyle The SpeedometerImageDrawStyle enumeration contains variants of background image position in the speedometer area.
SpeedometerTextPlacementType The SpeedometerTextPlacementType enumeration contains methods of text placement relative to the scale.
SpeedometerTickShapes The SpeedometerTickShapes enumeration contains forms of speedometer scale tick marks.

See also:

Speedometer Assembly Interfaces | Speedometer Assembly Classes