State server is set up on a server with installed BI server.
To set up a Memcached based state server:
Create the Statable parameters of the REG_DWORD type with the 1 value in the registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\PP\BIS\System\Session] or with the Yes value in the identical section of the settings.xml file.
Create the StateServer subsection in the registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\PP\BIS\System] or in the identical section of the settings.xml file. Fill in the subsection with state server connection parameters:
Type. State server type: MemCached.
Host. IP address or DNS state server name, via which queries will be sent from BI server to state server. If BI server and state server are located at the same host, use "localhost".
Port. Number of the port that will be used for connection. If the parameter is set to -1, the default port is used: 11211.
NOTE. To use state server, monikers must be generated by BI server via GUID (the KeyIncr parameter in settings must be set to 0).
The example of settings in the settings.xml file:
<Key Name="PP">
<Key Name="System">
<Session KeyIncr="0" Statable="Yes" />
<StateServer Type="MemCached" Host="" Port="11211" />
See also: