Setting Up Memcached-Based State Server

State server is set up on a server with installed BI server.

To set up a Memcached based state server:

  1. Create the Statable parameters of the REG_DWORD type with the 1 value in the registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\PP\BIS\System\Session] or with the Yes value in the identical section of the settings.xml file.

  2. Create the StateServer subsection in the registry key [HKLM\SOFTWARE\Foresight\Foresight Analytics Platform\10.0\PP\BIS\System] or in the identical section of the settings.xml file. Fill in the subsection with state server connection parameters:

NOTE. To use state server, monikers must be generated by BI server via GUID (the KeyIncr parameter in settings must be set to 0).

The example of settings in the settings.xml file:

    <Key Name="PP">
        <Key Name="System">
          <Session KeyIncr="0" Statable="Yes" />
          <StateServer Type="MemCached" Host="" Port="11211" />

See also:

State Server