Changing Icon and Image in Login Dialog Box

To change default icon and default image in the window title, place a new image and an icon to the folder with installed Foresight Analytics Platform.

NOTE. Changing icon and image in the login dialog box is available only in the desktop application.

An image should be in the *.bmp or *.png format with the Login name, an icon should be in the *.ico format and with the Login name. It is recommended to use the image up to the 469x150 pixels size. If the image is larger, it will be cropped.

NOTE. The added icon will also be used in the object navigator and in the title of the Language Settings dialog box.

The example of the login dialog box with the changed image:

The example of the Language Settings dialog box with the changed icon:

To restore the default icon of Foresight Analytics Platform and the default image in the login dialog box, delete the icon and image files from the folder with installed Foresight Analytics Platform.

See also:

Setting Up Login Dialog Box Interface