Operations Kept for Compatibility

Below is the list of operations kept for compatibility with earlier versions of Foresight Analytics Platform.

  Operation Brief description
GetBubbleTree The GetBubbleTree operation gets bubble tree settings.
GetChart The GetChart operation gets chart data.
GetDefaultChart The GetDefaultChart operation enables the user to get a new chart with default settings.
GetMap The GetMap operation gets map metadata.
GetSpeedometer The GetSpeedometer operation gets speedometer settings.
GetTabSheetData The GetTabSheetData operation gets table data and metadata.
GetTreeMap The GetTreeMap operation gets tree map settings.
SetBubbleTree The SetBubbleTree operation changes bubble tree settings.
SetChart The SetChart operation changes chart data.
SetMap The SetMap operation changes map metadata.
SetSpeedometer The SetSpeedometer operation changes speedometer settings.
SetStyle The SetStyle operation changes formatting style for the specified table area displaying an analytical data area.
SetTabSheetData The SetTabSheetData operation changes table data and metadata.
SetTreeMap The SetBubbleTree operation changes tree map settings.

See also:

Interactive Visual Components