

GetTabSheetDataResult GetTabSheetData(TabSheetId tTabSheet, GetTabSheetDataArg tArg)


tTabSheet. Table moniker.

tArg. Parameters of getting data and metadata.


The GetTabSheetData operation gets table data and metadata.


To execute the operation, specify table moniker in the tTabSheet parameter, and parameters of data and metadata getting in the tArg parameter. The moniker can be based on the moniker of opened object instance, the table of which is worked with, following the rules:

In the tArg.pattern field specify the pattern to be used to get data and metadata. In the tArg.range/ranges field specify cell range(s), for which the operation must be executed. The tArg.action field can also contain additional actions to be executed in the table on executing the operation. The operation results in the requested information and operations execution results if the tArg.action field was defined.


Below is the example of using the GetTabSheetData operation to get data from the specified cell range in the express report table. The request contains table moniker and data getting pattern. The response contains requested data.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetTabSheetData xmlns="">
<tTabSheet xmlns=" ">
<tArg xmlns=" ">

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetTabSheetDataResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<id xmlns=" ">
<sheet xmlns=" ">
<Cell L="1" T="1" SI="1">
  <CD FT="1,38" VT="8" V="1.38386357" />
<Cell L="2" T="1" SI="2">
  <CD FT="1,35" VT="8" V="1.34838968" />
<Cell L="3" T="1" SI="2">
  <CD FT="1,35" VT="8" V="1.34838968" />
<Cell L="4" T="1" SI="2">
  <CD FT="1,35" VT="8" V="1.34838968" />
<Style B="">
  <Text HA="0" VA="1" WW="1" M="7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67" />
  <NumberFormat F="#,##0.00" FT="1" />
  <Fill C="#FFFFFF" />
  <Font F="Arial" S="8" C="#000000" A="0" />
  <Borders />
  <Hyperlink T="" A="" E="false" C="#000000" U="true" ST="false" HT="0" />
<Style B="">
  <Text HA="0" VA="1" WW="1" M="7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67" />
  <NumberFormat F="#,##0.00" FT="1" />
  <Fill C="#FFFFFF" />
  <Font F="Arial" S="8" C="#000000" A="0" />
  <Border I="2" S="0" C="#BBBBBB" W="2" />
  <Border I="3" S="0" C="#BBBBBB" W="2" />
  <Hyperlink T="" A="" E="false" C="#000000" U="true" ST="false" HT="0" />
<Style B="">
  <Text HA="0" VA="1" WW="1" M="7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67" />
  <NumberFormat F="#,##0.00" FT="1" />
  <Fill C="#FFFFFF" />
  <Font F="Arial" S="8" C="#000000" A="0" />
  <Border I="2" S="0" C="#BBBBBB" W="2" />
  <Hyperlink T="" A="" E="false" C="#000000" U="true" ST="false" HT="0" />

JSON request:

 "GetTabSheetData" : 
   "tTabSheet" : 
     "id" : "S1!M!S!E1!Tab"
   "tArg" : 
     "pattern" : 
       "data" : "true",
       "styles" : "Get"
     "range" : 
       "left" : "1",
       "top" : "1",
       "width" : "4",
       "height" : "1"

JSON response:

 "GetTabSheetDataResult" : 
   "id" : 
     "id" : "S1!M!S!E1!Tab"
   "sheet" : 
     "TabSheetData" : 
       "Cells" : 
         "Cell" : 
             "@T" : "1",
             "@L" : "1",
             "@SI" : "1",
             "CD" : 
               "@V" : "1.38386357",
               "@FT" : "1,38",
               "@VT" : "8"
             "@T" : "1",
             "@L" : "2",
             "@SI" : "2",
             "CD" : 
               "@V" : "1.34838968",
               "@FT" : "1,35",
               "@VT" : "8"
             "@T" : "1",
             "@L" : "3",
             "@SI" : "2",
             "CD" : 
               "@V" : "1.34838968",
               "@FT" : "1,35",
               "@VT" : "8"
             "@T" : "1",
             "@L" : "4",
             "@SI" : "2",
             "CD" : 
               "@V" : "1.34838968",
               "@FT" : "1,35",
               "@VT" : "8"
       "Styles" : 
         "Style" : 
             "@B" : "",
             "Text" : 
               "@VA" : "1",
               "@HA" : "0",
               "@M" : "7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67",
               "@WW" : "1"
             "NumberFormat" : 
               "@F" : "#,##0.00",
               "@FT" : "1"
             "Fill" : 
               "@C" : "#FFFFFF"
             "Font" : 
               "@A" : "0",
               "@S" : "8",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@F" : "Arial"
             "Borders" : "",
             "Hyperlink" : 
               "@A" : "",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@T" : "",
               "@E" : "false",
               "@U" : "true",
               "@ST" : "false",
               "@HT" : "0"
             "@B" : "",
             "Text" : 
               "@VA" : "1",
               "@HA" : "0",
               "@M" : "7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67",
               "@WW" : "1"
             "NumberFormat" : 
               "@F" : "#,##0.00",
               "@FT" : "1"
             "Fill" : 
               "@C" : "#FFFFFF"
             "Font" : 
               "@A" : "0",
               "@S" : "8",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@F" : "Arial"
             "Borders" : 
               "Border" : 
                   "@S" : "0",
                   "@C" : "#BBBBBB",
                   "@W" : "2",
                   "@I" : "2"
                   "@S" : "0",
                   "@C" : "#BBBBBB",
                   "@W" : "2",
                   "@I" : "3"
             "Hyperlink" : 
               "@A" : "",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@T" : "",
               "@E" : "false",
               "@U" : "true",
               "@ST" : "false",
               "@HT" : "0"
             "@B" : "",
             "Text" : 
               "@VA" : "1",
               "@HA" : "0",
               "@M" : "7.56 5.67 7.56 5.67",
               "@WW" : "1"
             "NumberFormat" : 
               "@F" : "#,##0.00",
               "@FT" : "1"
             "Fill" : 
               "@C" : "#FFFFFF"
             "Font" : 
               "@A" : "0",
               "@S" : "8",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@F" : "Arial"
             "Borders" : 
               "Border" : 
                   "@S" : "0",
                   "@C" : "#BBBBBB",
                   "@W" : "2",
                   "@I" : "2"
             "Hyperlink" : 
               "@A" : "",
               "@C" : "#000000",
               "@T" : "",
               "@E" : "false",
               "@U" : "true",
               "@ST" : "false",
               "@HT" : "0"
public static GetTabSheetDataResult GetTabData(EaxId eax)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetTabSheetData()
tArg = new GetTabSheetDataArg()
pattern = new TabSheetPattern()
data = true,
styles = ListOperation.Get
range = new TabRange()
left = 1,
top = 1,
height = 1,
width = 4
tTabSheet = new TabSheetId() { id = + "!Tab" }
// Get chart
var result = somClient.GetTabSheetData(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Interactive Visual Components