Creating a User

Below is the example of using the SetMbSec operation to create a new repository user. The request contains the name and basic parameters of the created user. The response contains the updated list of repository users.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<SetMbSec xmlns="">
<tMbSec xmlns="">
<tArg xmlns="">
  <sid />
  <desc />
  <tag />

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<SetMbSecResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<id xmlns="">
<metaGet xmlns="">
  <desc />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <n>Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich</n>
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <desc>USER123456789 / USER123456789</desc>
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />
  <autoRun />
  <certificate />

JSON request:

"SetMbSec" :
"tMbSec" :
"id" : "S1!M"
"tArg" :
"pattern" :
"users" : "Add",
"user" :
"data" : "true"
"credsCache" : "Add"
"meta" :
"users" :
"its" :
"it" :
"k" : "0",
"id" : "NewRepoAdmin",
"n" : "NewRepoAdmin",
"vis" : "true",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : ""
"data" :
"desc" : "",
"isNT" : "false",
"tag" : "",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "true",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"maxLogonSessions" : "3",
"credentials" :
"pass" : "NewRepoAdmin"
"credsCache" :
"its" :
"it" :
"realm" : "$SYSTEM",
"admin" : "true",
"creds" :
"user" :
"id" : "sa"
"pass" : "Qwerty1"
"metaGet" :
"pattern" :
"users" : "Get"

JSON response:

"SetMbSecResult" :
"id" :
"id" : "S1!M"
"metaGet" :
"id" :
"id" : "S1!M"
"meta" :
"users" :
"its" :
"it" :
"k" : "2147483649",
"id" : "ADMIN",
"n" : "User",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-1",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"desc" : " ",
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "1",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2020-03-23T14:06:51.600",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "1",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2020-03-23T09:07:00.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "1",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "2147483646",
"id" : "FS\IVANOV.IVAN",
"n" : "Ivanov Ivan Ivanovich",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "S-1-5-21-2210245889-1953428358-4221806923-1269",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "1",
"isExternal" : "1",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2019-03-21T16:05:39.630",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2018-04-04T05:24:46.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "173284",
"id" : "INS_FORM",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-173284",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "1",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "1899-12-30T00:00:00.000",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2019-12-25T05:18:35.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "29500",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-29500",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2015-12-29T17:36:03.743",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2015-12-28T12:48:50.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "20798",
"id" : "SIDOROV_IV",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-20798",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "1",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2018-05-04T16:56:01.790",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2016-11-07T09:55:24.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "158195",
"id" : "TESTUSER",
"n" : "TESTUSER",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-158195",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"desc" : "TESTUSER",
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "1",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "1899-12-30T00:00:00.000",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2019-07-19T05:57:50.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "1",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "105159",
"id" : "USER1234",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-105159",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "1899-12-30T00:00:00.000",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2018-08-31T09:49:02.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "35005",
"id" : "USER123456789",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-35005",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"desc" : "USER123456789 \/ USER123456789",
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2017-09-13T12:42:15.000",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2016-06-23T06:49:07.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "105163",
"id" : "USER_1234",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-105163",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2020-03-06T10:24:31.680",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2020-03-05T08:16:42.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "67467",
"id" : "USER_ANN",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-67467",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "0",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "0",
"lastLoginStamp" : "2019-04-09T11:53:11.770",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2019-04-09T06:53:02.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"k" : "197730",
"n" : "NewRepoAdmin",
"vis" : "1",
"type" : "User",
"sid" :
"sid" : "PS-1-197730",
"type" : "User"
"data" :
"isNT" : "0",
"isExternal" : "0",
"isBuiltin" : "0",
"user" :
"mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon" : "1",
"cannotChangePassword" : "0",
"lockedState" : "NotLocked",
"manageDBGrants" : "1",
"maxLogonSessions" : "3",
"lastLoginStamp" : "1899-12-30T00:00:00.000",
"hasAccessToRepository" : "1",
"isAdmin" : "0",
"isIsa" : "0",
"isRoled" : "0",
"changePassStamp" : "2020-03-23T04:07:00.000",
"autoRun" : "",
"temporaryAge" : "0",
"eternalPass" : "0",
"certificate" : ""
"bisearchEnable" : "Full"
public static SetMbSecResult CreateUser(string mb, string userName)
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); //Proxy object for operation execution
//Operation execution parameters
var setMbSec = new SetMbSec()
tArg = new SetMbSecArg()
//Operation execution pattern
pattern = new MbSecMdPattern()
users = ListOperation.Add,
credsCache = ListOperation.Add,
user = new MbSubjectPattern()
data = true
meta = new MbSecMd()
// Credentials, using which database connection is executed
// The specified user must have permissions to create users at DBMS level
credsCache = new UserCredsCache
its = new RealmUserCreds[]
new RealmUserCreds
realm = "$SYSTEM",
admin = true,
creds = new UserCreds
user = new UserId { id = "sa" },
pass = "Qwerty1"
users = new MbSubjects()
its = new MbSubject[1]
new MbSubject()
k = 0,
id = userName,
n = userName,
vis = true,
type = MbSubjectType.User,
sid = new SubjectSid() {sid = string.Empty},
data = new MbSubjectData()
desc = String.Empty,
isNT = false,
user = new MbUserData()
mustChangePasswordAtNextLogon = true,
maxLogonSessions = 3,
lockedState = MbUserLockedState.NotLocked,
credentials = new UserCreds() {pass = userName}
tag = String.Empty
//Parameters for updating users list after operation execution
metaGet = new GetMbSecArg()
pattern = new MbSecMdPattern()
users = ListOperation.Get
//Repository moniker
tMbSec = new MbId() { id = mb }
//Create a user
var result = somClient.SetMbSec(setMbSec);
return result;

See also:

SetMbSec: Operation