Working with a Repository

This section describes the operations that are used to work with a repository. The operations enable the user to execute the following actions:

Connecting to Repository

  Operation Brief description
CloseMetabase The CloseMetabase operation disconnects from the repository.
GetMbDefs The GetMbDefs operation gets the list of repositories descriptions created on BI server.
GetVerifierCode The GetVerifierCode operation is used to get a block of data that is further used to connect the repository using a digital signature.
OpenMetabase The OpenMetabase operation connects to the repository and returns the moniker of the repository connection.
SetMbDefs The SetMbDefs operation sets the list of repositories descriptions created on BI server.

Operations Used for Connection via OAuth Protocol

  Operation Brief description


The CreateOAuthState operation gets the authorization service URL, by which access token will be returned.


The GetOAuthSettings operation gets settings for working with OAuth servers specified on BI server.

Working with Security Manager

  Operation Brief description
CloseAuditLog The CloseAuditLog operation closes an access protocol instance.
CloseMbCheckSum The CloseMbCheckSum operation closes context for working with checksums.
CloseMbSecSnapshot The CloseMbSecSnapshot operation closes the object that is used to work with security policy backups.
GetAuditLog The GetAuditLog operation gets access protocol records in accordance with the specified settings.
GetAuditLogMd The GetAuditLogMd operation gets parameters of access protocol work.
GetMbCheckSum The GetMbCheckSum operation gets information about the objects, for which checksums are performed.
GetMbSec The GetMbSec operation gets metadata of the repository security manager.
GetMbSecSnapshot The GetMbSecSnapshot operation gets information about state of the object that is used to create a security policy backup.
OpenAuditLog The OpenAuditLog operation opens the access protocol and returns the moniker for accessing the records.
OpenMbCheckSum The OpenMbCheckSum operation opens context for working with checksums.
OpenMbSecSnapshot The OpenMbSecSnapshot operation opens the object that is used to work with repository security policy backups.
SetAuditLogMd The SetAuditLogMd operation sets parameters of access protocol work.
SetMbCheckSum The SetMbCheckSum operation manages performing of checksums for repository objects.
SetMbSec The SetMbSec operation changes security manager metadata.
SetMbSecSnapshot The SetMbSecSnapshot operation is used to work with security policy backups.

Working with License Server

  Operation Brief description

OpenMbLicense The OpenMbLicense operation gets license instance.

CloseMbLicense The CloseMbLicense operation checks in license instance.

Working with Repository Objects

  Operation Brief description
CreateObject The CreateObject operation creates a new repository object.
DeleteObjects The DeleteObjects operation deletes repository objects.
GetControlInfo The GetControlInfo operation gets settings for managing nested objects parameters.
GetObjectByOdId The GetObjectByOdId operation gets basic properties of repository object.
GetObjects The GetObjects operation returns information about repository objects that satisfy the specified selection criteria.
MoveObject The MoveObject operation moves a repository object.
SaveObject The SaveObject operation saves changes of the repository object.
SaveObjectAs The SaveObjectAs operation executes the specified action and saves the instance of the repository object.
SetObject The SetObject operation changes basic properties of repository object.

Working with Update

  Operation Brief description
CloseMbUpdate The CloseMbUpdate operation closes the context to work with repository update.
GetMbUpdate The GetMbUpdate operation gets the information about update.
OpenMbUpdate The OpenMbUpdate operation opens the context to work with repository update.
SetMbUpdate The SetMbUpdate operation changes update settings.

Working with Repository Parameters

  Operation Brief description
GetRepoParams The GetRepoParams operation gets repository parameters.
SetRepoParams The SetRepoParams operation changes repository parameters.

Operations for Working with BI Server Process

  Operation Brief description
GetStatus The GetStatus operation checks repository connection status.
GetSvc The GetSvc operation gets BI server work parameters.
GetSystemInfo The GetSystemInfo operation gets information about BI server.
SetSvc The SetSvc operation changes BI server work parameters.

Operations for Working with Resources

  Operation Brief description


The GetLocales operation gets a list of languages, into which repository resources can be translated.

See also:

Web Service Operations