

bool SetCustomExtender(CustomObId tCustomExtender, SetCustomExtenderArg tArg)


tCustomExtender. Moniker of opened instance of custom class container.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The SetCustomExtender operation changes custom class container metadata.


The operation allows for creating, changing, and deleting custom classes. To execute the operation,, in the tCustomExtender field specify moniker of opened custom class container instance, and in the tArg.pattern field specify the pattern that will be used to change metadata, and in the tArg.meta field specify updated metadata. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenCustomExtender operation.

The operation results in the updated metadata if the tArg.metaGet field was defined.

To save changes in the custom class container, use the SaveObject operation.


Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Creating a Custom Class
Creating an Operation in Custom Class
Applying Changes in Custom Class

See also:

Working with a Repository