

GetSvcResult GetSvc(GetSvcArg  tArg)


tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetSvc operation gets BI server work parameters.


This operation enables the user to get the following information:

To execute the operation, set flags of the parameters, that must be obtained, in the tArg.pattern pattern. Use the tArg.credentials field to specify credentials of the user who has access permissions to system tables and is saved in BI server registry. Use the PP.Util application to save credentials with the /save_creds and /DC keys.

To collect statistics, the BI server must be prepared in the following way:

  1. In the registry create the SamplingStr key (see details in description of registry keys used by BI server).

  2. To collect statistics in system repository tables, the repository must be prepared using the PP.Util application. Identifier of the repository that contains system tables must be specified in the SysLogMb registry key.

To get operation execution statistics, determine the tArg.pattern.operationsStat field; for operations grouped into separate groups determine the tArg.pattern.requestsStat field. In this case the statistics stored in server memory is obtained. To get statistics collected and stored in the system repository tables, determine the tArg.pattern.operationRequestsStat field.

NOTE. Statistic data collected in the memory is reset on BI server restart.


Various methods of using the operation are given in the following examples:

Example name
Getting BI Server Work Parameters
Getting Statistics of Operations Execution

See also:

Common Operations