

GetClassInspectorInfoResult GetCustomClassInspectorInfo(MbId tMb, GetCustomClassInspectorInfoArg tArg)


tMb. Repository connection moniker.

tArg. Operation execution parameters.


The GetCustomClassInspectorInfo operation gets information about code elements from the custom development environment class inspector.


To execute the operation, in the tMb field specify repository connection moniker, and in the tArg field specify information about the assembly, from which custom class inspector information will be obtained. The moniker can be obtained on executing the OpenMetabase operation.

The operation results in the list of class inspector elements and information about code elements according to the specified information getting parameters.


Below is the example of getting information from the custom class inspector about assembly contents with the specified key.

SOAP request:

<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<GetCustomClassInspectorInfo xmlns="">
<tMb xsi:type="q1:OpenMetabaseResult" xmlns="" xmlns:q1="">
<tArg xmlns="">
  <member />

SOAP response:

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="">
<GetCustomClassInspectorInfoResult xmlns="" xmlns:q1="" xmlns:xsi="">
<subNodes xmlns="">
<info xmlns="">
  <blocks />
  <blocks />
  <description xmlns="">Build <b>OBJ118309</b></description>

JSON request:

"GetCustomClassInspectorInfo" :
"tMb" :
"@type" : "q1:OpenMetabaseResult",
"sessKey" : "272175",
"sessCookie" : "C1",
"version" : "163",
"defLocale" : "1049",
"driver" : "2"
"tArg" :
"path" : "118309",
"member" : ""

JSON response:

"GetCustomClassInspectorInfoResult" :
"subNodes" :
"it" :
"info" :
"type" : "Interface",
"name" : "ITest",
"access" : "Private"
"hasSubNodes" : "0"
"info" :
"type" : "Enum",
"name" : "MyEnum",
"access" : "Private"
"hasSubNodes" : "0"
"info" :
"type" : "Class",
"name" : "Test",
"typeName" : "Object",
"access" : "Private"
"hasSubNodes" : "1"
"info" :
"it" :
"type" : "Function",
"name" : "TestFunction",
"typeName" : "Integer",
"access" : "Private",
"blocks" : "",
"imask" : "0"
"type" : "Sub",
"name" : "TestSub",
"access" : "Private",
"blocks" : "",
"imask" : "0"
"description" : "Build <b>OBJ118309<\/b>"
public static GetClassInspectorInfoResult GetCustomClassInspectorInfo(MbId mb, int modKey, string className = "", string classMember = "")
var somClient = new SomPortTypeClient(); // Proxy object for operation execution
// Operation execution parameters
var tGet = new GetCustomClassInspectorInfo()
tMb = mb,
tArg = new GetCustomClassInspectorInfoArg()
path = modKey.ToString() + (className == "" ? "" : '.' + className),
member = classMember
// Get information from the custom class inspector
var result = somClient.GetCustomClassInspectorInfo(tGet);
return result;

See also:

Working with Development Environment