Working with Development Environment

This section contains description of operations that are used to work with development environment objects. The operations enable the user to execute the following actions:


  Operation Brief description
ComObjectsProfilerClean The ComObjectsProfilerClean operation removes records with correct object work from the memory leaks detection log.
ComObjectsProfilerFinish The ComObjectsProfilerFinish operation disables memory leaks detection and saves the memory leaks detection log to file.
ComObjectsProfilerStart The ComObjectsProfilerStart operation enables memory leaks detection.
DebugModule The DebugModule operation enables the user to control unit code debugging process.
EvaluateCollectionExpressions The EvaluateCollectionExpressions operation calculates an expression that results in a set of values.
EvaluateExpressions The EvaluateExpressions operation calculates expressions during code debugging.
ExportForeObj The ExportForeObj operation exports development environment object to external file.
FindInClassInspector The FindInClassInspector operation searches in the class inspector.
FindInCustomClassInspector The FindInCustomClassInspector operation searches in the custom class inspector.
FindInModules The FindInModules operation searches for text by code of development environment objects.
FormatForeLines The FormatForeLines operation formats code lines.
GetAssembly The GetAssembly operation gets information about repository assembly.
GetBuiltinAssemblies The GetBuiltinAssemblies operation enables the user to get a list of system assemblies available to be used in development environment.
GetClassInspectorInfo The GetClassInspectorInfo operation gets information about code elements from the development environment class inspector.
GetCustomClassInspectorInfo The GetCustomClassInspectorInfo operation gets information about code elements from the custom development environment class inspector.
GetDebugState The GetDebugState operation gets information about object debugging status.
GetDeclaration The GetDeclaration operation is used to work with code inspector.
GetDeclarationBlock The GetDeclarationBlock operation is used to navigate through code.
GetDeclarationPoint The GetDeclarationPoint operation gets information about the focused the development environment element.
GetDevEnvSettings The GetDevEnvSettings operation gets development environment parameters.
GetExpanderInfo The GetExpanderInfo operation gets a list of code elements, which contents can be expanded or collapsed the macro window.
GetForeLocalVariableList The GetForeLocalVariableList operation gets information about local variables that are available during code block debugging.
GetIntelliSenseInfo The GetIntelliSenseInfo operation gets the list of types and types members available to use in the current code point.
GetIntelliSenseTooltip The GetIntelliSenseTooltip operation gets information used on creating a tooltip for type of cype member in the unit code.
GetModule The GetModule operation gets information about repository Fore unit.
GetRuntimeObjectList The GetRuntimeObjectList operation gets a list of objects in memory during debugging.
GetStackFrameList The GetStackFrameList operation gets call stack during code debugging.
ImportForeObj The ImportForeObj operation imports development environment object from external file to repository.
SetAssembly The SetAssembly operation is used to set up assembly and start algorithms implemented in the assembly.
SetCollectionExpressionValue The SetCollectionExpressionValue operation changes value in the expression that takes multiple values.
SetDevEnvSettings The SetDevEnvSettings operation changes development environment parameters.
SetExpressionValue The SetExpressionValue operation changes expression value during code debugging.

Operations for Working with Python Modules

  Operation Brief description
GetPythonIntelliSenseInfo The GetPythonIntelliSenseInfo operation gets a list of types and type members that can be used in the current Python code point.
GetPythonIntelliSenseTooltip The GetPythonIntelliSenseTooltip operation gets information used on creating a tooltip for type or type member in Python module code.
GetPythonModule The GetPythonModule operation gets repository Python unit metadata.
SetModule The SetModule operation is used to set up unit and start algorithms implemented in the unit.
SetPythonModule The SetPythonModule operation is used to change Python unit code and start it for execution.

Operations for Working with Web Forms

  Operation Brief description
OpenWebForm The OpenWebForm operation opens a web form.
GetWebFormInfo The GetWebFormInfo operation gets web form metadata.
SaveWebForm The SaveWebForm operation saves web form changes.

Operations for Working with Breakpoints

  Operation Brief description
GetCurrentBreakLine The GetCurrentBreakLine operation gets information about the row, in which breakpoint worked.
RemoveAllBreakpoints The RemoveAllBreakpoints operation removes all breakpoints from the debugged code.
RemoveBreakpoint The RemoveBreakpoint operation removes the breakpoint from debugged code.
SetBreakpointList The SetBreakpointList operation sets breakpoints in debugged code.

See also:

Web Service Operations