ReadIntegerDef(ValueName: String; DefaultValue: Integer): Integer;
ValueName. Name of the parameter, which value must be obtained.
DefaultValue. Value that is used if parameter does not exist.
The ReadIntegerDef method reads integer value from the REG_DWORD parameter in the registry.
If the ValueName parameter does not exist, the method returns DefaultValue.
Add a link to the Registry system assembly.
Sub UserProc;
RegKey, SubKey: IRegistryKey;
i: Integer;
RegKey := RegistryClass.CurrentUser;
SubKey := RegKey.OpenSubKey("Software\MyProject\Params", False);
i := SubKey.ReadIntegerDef("Param1", Integer.MinValue);
End Sub UserProc;
After executing the example, integer value is read from the parameter with the Param1 name located in the registry subkey [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MyProject\Params] into the "i" variable. If the parameter does not exist, the minimum integer number is set to the variable.
See also: